How to Use - Scorecard
Information on how to navigate and utilize our Scorecard tool
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Information on how to navigate and utilize our Scorecard tool
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Make a copy of the Scorecard to track characteristic data and keep score.
On your Scorecard, set the correct scoring scale (see image) on the "Total Score" tab.
Currently, only casino apps are able to be scored.
To score multiple apps from different sub-genres set the scoring scale to "Casino- Total Market".
Add all apps that you want to score to the "Game Set" column (see image).
Any casino app tracked by Liquid and Grit may be added to compare scores.
A list of apps tracked by Liquid and Grit can be found here.
Next, you will use the Creating the Dataset guide to extract the necessary data from Liquid and Grit's Impact Portal tools.
This section will help you locate, pull, and sort the characteristic data needed to determine a final score from our Impact Portal tools, including the Database and Tracker (subscription required).
Set baseline parameters on the sidebar.
Checkmark the boxes for "Features", "Events", and "Content".
Set the date range to "All Time".
Setting a limited date range in this step will cause some characteristic data to not match up with the scoring scale.
Select a market.
Currently, only casino apps tracked by Liquid and Grit are available to score.
Select a genre and subgenre.
Apps can be scored against a broader market or within a sub-genre.
Select apps to compare.
A list of apps tracked by Liquid and Grit is found here.
Download the CSV file and import it onto the "Upload Database CSV" tab on your Scorecard.
The CSV button is at the bottom of the left sidebar (see image).
Select all data on the sheet then press "Insert" > "Pivot table", and rename the new tab “Database Pivot”.
Set baseline parameters on the sidebar.
Set a date range.
We recommend quarterly or yearly ranges.
Checkmark "Events".
Select a market.
Currently, only casino apps tracked by Liquid and Grit are available to score.
Choose a genre and subgenre.
Choose the same market and subgenre selections as you did in the previous section when building your Database Pivot.
Select apps to compare.
Pick the same apps as you did when building your Database Pivot.
Download the CSV file and import it onto the "Upload Event Tracker CSV" tab.
Select all data on the sheet then press "Insert" > "Pivot table", and rename the new tab “Event Pivot”.
Open your Database Pivot to determine characteristic data for
Total available features.
Feature mechanic variety.
New feature release rate.
Event mechanic variety.
New event release rate.
Total available content.
New content release rate.
Set Database Pivot parameters.
Under Rows add “tgp_game”.
Under Values add “title” summarized by “COUNTA”.
Under Filters add “type”.
Determine the total available features and content by swapping the “type” filter between the two.
Be sure only one "type" is active at a time, either features or content.
Add the number of total features to the proper "Results" column of the "Features" and "Content" tabs on your scorecard.
Add results for the total available features to table 1a (on the "Features" tab).
Add results for the total available content to table 3a (on the "Content" tab).
Set a score by determining where the results land on each tab’s scoring scale (see image).
To score all-time release rates, continue to step #3.
To score release rates for a specific date range:
Add “publish_date” to Filters.
Set filter status to “Filter by condition> Is between" then add date ranges formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.
For consistent results set the same date range used to build the event pivot.
Recommended minimum date range is a quarter year.
Determine the total releases within the selected time frame by swapping the "type" filter between features, events, and content.
Be sure only one "type" is active at a time.
Add the total releases within the time frame to the proper "Results" column of each tab.
Add feature release rate results to table 1b (on the "Features" tab).
Add event release rate results to table 2a (on the "Events" tab).
Add content release rate results to table 3b (on the "Content" tab).
Determine the number of months in the selected date range for each app and add the results to the column labeled “Months” on the same table.
Dates for when Liquid and Grit began tracking each game can be reviewed here.
Set a score by determining where the results for the release rates land on each tab’s scoring scale.
Remove the "publish_date" filter if one was set in the previous section.
Remove “title” from Values and replace it with “mechanic” summarized by “COUNTUNIQUE”.
Determine mechanic variety for features and events by swapping the “type” filter between the two.
Be sure only one "type" is active at a time, either features or events.
Add mechanic variety to the proper "Results" column on the "Features" and "Events" tabs.
Add feature mechanic variety results to table 1c (on the "Features" tab).
Add event mechanic variety results to table 2b (on the "Events" tab).
Set a score by determining where the results for mechanic variety land on each tab’s scoring scale.
Open your Event Pivot to determine characteristic data for
Simultaneous active events.
Active event days.
Set event pivot parameters.
Under Rows add “game”.
Under Values add “activity#” (starting with “activity1”) until there is one with no data listed for any app (see images #1 and #2).
Summarize each “activity#” by “COUNTA”.
Calculate the sum of each app’s row (see image #3).
Use the formula “SUM (value1:value2)” to quickly add the total for each game.
Add the sum to the results column of table 2c on the "Events" tab.
Determine the total number of days in the selected date range and add results to the "Days" column in table 2c (of the "Events" tab).
Use the formula “DATEDIF(start_date, end_date, “unit”) to determine the difference in days between two dates.
Dates for when Liquid and Grit began tracking each game can be reviewed here.
Repeat for each app to compare simultaneous active events.
Set a score by determining where the results land on the scoring scale on the "Events" tab.
On your Event Pivot table find the value in column “activity1” for each app (see image).
Add the value of “activity1” to the “Results” column of table 2d on the “Events” tab.
The value calculated under the percent column represents the percentage of days that had at least one active event within the time frame.
Set a score by determining where the results land on the scoring scale found on the "Events" tab.
Results from each tab are auto-populated onto the “Total Score” tab. When comparing a set of apps, ranked results for each section can be reviewed.